I just returned from the Republican National Convention! It's was a memorable week in St. Paul. Let me share with you a few of the highlights.
The pinnacle of the convention so far was Sarah Palin's history-making speech. There is no question the Republican delegates have embraced her. You could not sit in that arena and not be touched by the energy and optimism that surrounds the future Vice President of the United States. As I discovered back in July, Sarah Palin is a born leader who shares my goals and priorities for this nation. Nothing would please me more than to be able to work with Vice President Palin in Washington, D.C.
The Utah delegation was privileged to hear from Mitt Romney at a Tuesday morning breakfast event. At that event Romney was kind enough to recognize our victory and to offer his continued support as long as we kept putting Julie up front!
We had a great luncheon at a local law firm on Wednesday. Lee Greenwood provided the entertainment. Hearing Lee Greenwood sing about being an American was inspiring. Sen. Hatch and Sen. Mitch McConnell spoke.

Another highlight was an event called Space Jam, where a Utah company, ATK, was one of more than a dozen sponsors talking about the development of the space program. There were astronauts at this event and the information available to us was fascinating. ATK is an important employer in our state and this was a great event.
Also on Wednesday, we had the privilege of hearing from someone who served as a POW with John McCain. They actually shared the same cell. His narrative was fascinating. I could have listened to him for hours! He made a very compelling case for putting your country first and truly having your patriotism tested at every level. As we look to who is best prepared to be commander in chief, it's no contest. John McCain's service, his sacrifice, and his intimate knowledge of our armed forces are unparalleled. I disagree with Sen. McCain on a number of issues, but compared to Mr. Obama, there is no comparison as to who should be the next President of the United States.
Utah gets a little bit taken for granted for our continued Republican support. We had rather poor seating at the convention. The fringe benefit is that our seating is right next to the CNN and CBS booths. You can see from the photograph how close we are to the CBS booth. The picture is Laura Bush in the red and Tom Brokaw on the far left. I don't have the best camera phone, but you get the idea.

Let's get to work!
1 comment:
Doing nothing re: the $700 Billion isn't the answer, in my opinion.
While I agree that Congress is responsible for part of the mess in the 1st place, for requiring loans to higher risk homeowners, it isn't that simple. The Fed lowered rates for long enough for many people to get lower, variable rate loans, and then the feds raised the rates, 3% in a short few months. That caused many people to not be able to afford the loans. They started failing, and housing values, due to the forclosures, started sliding, which made it worse. Sub-prime mortgages, were like hot potatoes, and no one wanted them. Banks couldn't loan more, as they had these loans they couldn't even sell. That has started to slow down construction financing, and other business loans. When they can't get credit, the companies start failing. Other industries have been effected.
Based on posts around the web, many knew this was going to happen last November, or earlier.
Congress, the Fed, the SEC, and Bush, should have done something last year. They have done some things recently that will help. They grabbed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
If they buy up the worst of the sub-prime mortgages, (There are reportedly $2 Trillion of them) and interest rates are kept low, and most homeowners/taxpayers pay back the loans, the government and the tax payers will be OK.
Companies such as the Bank of NY that stepped up to the plate and stablized Money Market mutual funds, such as Dryfus should be rewarded. We can't let the mortgages securities, nor the Money Market funds fail.
Lehman Brothers bankrupt filing can not be allowed. It should be purchased and not protected in Chapter 11. We already had WA MU be grabbed by Chase.
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